I just wanted to firstly say hello to anyone reading this. I hope you are having a lovely day. I have been wanting to start fresh with my blog ever since my blog-lovin account got compromised and most of my followers were bots or spam accounts and I really hated how it destroyed my engagement. Since I rarely blog about my life or beauty anymore I thought this would be the perfect place to start fresh with book reviews. You can still see all of my old reviews here as my old blog is still up. If you love book reviews then please hit follow by email, google follow or follow my new blog-lovin page (fingers crossed this one doesn't get spammed)




Originally I was going to rebrand to "Pichi Reads" but I thought, hang on, I can still be gh0sts but a variation. So ireadwithgh0sts was born! I thought it was better than ireadtogh0sts. A play on my normal username across all social media.

Am I a professional reviewer? -scoffs- No. No I am not. I post my thoughts and feelings on books I've read. I don't write for any newspapers or online media sites for money. Enjoy my wild reviews with gifs inserted every so often. I like to have a cozy vibe with my writing. Almost like I'm sitting there next to you just talking about my favourite characters and story arcs. So grab a cup of your favourite beverage and watch out for some reviews.

Will I be posting every week? No. I don't read 24/7 and my work life does cut into reading times so I will only be posting reviews when I feel like it or have read a book that is during a book tour.




I'll be posting reviews of books I've bought, received as an ARC or been gifted as well as various book subscription boxes when I'm able to. I want to make some YouTube videos so keep an eye out for those.At this rate I might need more than two bookcases. Any books that are ARCS/Gifted by publishers and authors will have disclaimer on each post!




Nope.Sorry my spooky frands. I have no plans on a book club. I do have plans on joining some in the future. :)



Currently I'm reading The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison and These Witches Don't Burn by Isobel Sterling but I'm planning on reading The Cousins by Karen M McManus & The Girl's I've Been by Tess Sharpe as well as a few others on my huge pile. But I like to keep the list short so I don't overwhelm myself. I've been planning on reading A Darker Shade of Magic but I've been putting it off for such a long time. I just want that magical first time to last. ahaha.

I hope you ride with me on this book journey! Let me know what you've been reading this month.



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