Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Am I A Kindle Girlie Now?!?

For as long as I can remember I've always just loved physical books. I love holding them, the smell, every now and again the crack of the spine (yes I know I'm a heathen) and collecting pretty editions. I didn't think I'd be attached to my kindle.

I used to use google play books on my ipad to read various e-books but I found myself not really finishing them off, due to the size of my ipad and the conveniance of carrying it arround. But the kindle my husband got me for Christmas, a year ago seemed perfect. I had used my second hand Kobo reader a few years ago, that I had bought from Facebook Market place but it started to die on me and thought this was a great gift to replace my old ebook reader. 

I started to load it with books I knew I didn't want on my shelves, such as thriller books and shorter novellas that I couldn't buy physical copies of. Next thing I know, I have Emily Henry's new book, all of the Spiderwick Chronicles and a few thrillers.

I love the ability to take this to bed for late night reading with a dim light, not having to charge the device every single day,  the simple page turning with one press and many kindle books on deal. I love decorating my kindle as well as it being more discreet whenever I'm travelling to and from places. I don't want people to know I'm reading a spicy book on the train but I also like knowing what others are reading when I get a glimpse of their book covers.
There's nothing quite like sitting down on the train, looking up from your kindle or book and noticing people sat close to you are also reading a book. It's like a little secret book club on public transport. You are all secretly eyeing each others books in hopes that you, yourself have read this book and can either comment on whether you liked it or not, or smirk in the fact that they are reading a good book.

Regardless of this, I still find myself reaching for a physical book. Nothing beats being able to visually see your hard earned money going on beautiful book covers and sprayed edges, all neatly sitting on your shelves. Looking at my bookshelves brings me joy and I don't get that sense with a kindle. In fact, I feel a bit overwhelmed that I can have over hundreds of books on a little device. Books I'd forget about, books I won't be able to see in colour (my screen is in black and white) and unless I mark them on Storygraph or Goodreads, I proberly forget I had read them. I can make a visual read pile in my head when I see them on my shelves. 


= Kindle 99p Deals 
= Having space on shelves because it's all digital
= The ability of hundreds of books in your hand
= Discreet Reading
= Customisable
= Tap to turn page
= Adjustable light
= Long battery life


= Forgetting I have books ( I accidently bought a physical book because I forgot I had it on my kindle)
= No book smell
= Forgetting Read books (unless I'm keeping track)
= Too many books can feel overwhelming
= No joy when looking at book collection
= Supports amazon and not bookstores/indie booksellers

Am I fully converted? No. I will always have shelves full of physical books but will I read more from my kindle. 100% yes.

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