Books Read in April

When I wrote my April TBR hopefuls, I knew I wouldn't get to all of them but I did read half of the four books I wanted to read. I just ended up picking up other books and that's okay. It's part of being a mood reader.

Anyway this month I read a total of 4 physical books and 1 kindle book. My goal is to read at least 5 books a month and I'm pleased I managed to achieve my monthly goal, anything more and it's just an even better month for me and my imagination.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

I finally read the first book in the Folk of Air series and loved it. So much I went and bought the sequel which I'm hoping to read soon. I really like the world building in The Cruel Prince with its brutal and wonderful story. People have told me to get excited about Jude and Cardans romance and I can see it brewing already but I just love the side characters too. I'm loving the fae politics and the twists that have been happening and that's all in book one. I also never want to take a sip of fae wine. 

Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson

The other month I read A Good Girls Guide to Murder and fell in love with this Young Adult thriller that I had to pick up the sequels! I finished Good Girl, Bad Blood and it was so good. I even picked up the third instalment and I'm very much hoping to finish the series before the tv show arrives on the BBC and Netflix! I love being brought along the adventure with Pip, trying to figure out along with her, who the culprit is. Some of the best young adult thrillers I have read. These live up to the hype and I hope the TV show is done well.

Wildfire by Hannah Grace

I was in the mood to read some romance but this book did not do it for me and I wrote a little review which you can read here. I didn't vibe much with the steamy scenes or the daddy issues with both of our main love interests. I did like the setting of the camp and it had some cute moments, but over rall I wasn't too impressed by this novel by a very hyped up author. I won't be reading any more books in the Maple Hill's series.

Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

I enjoyed this story of a godkiller, a baker and a heiress journeying through lands to help a girl and her god pet. It took me a little while to get into it as it did feel like it dragged but now I would like to see where this journey goes.  I thought Kissen was a great, strong and sassy character. Elogast was boring but I loved Inara and Skedi, the god of white lies. Also the book cover is gorgeous.

Funny Story by Emily Henry

My first Emily Henry book did not disappoint me. I loved reading Miles and Daphne relationship grow from strangers to friends to lovers and it just made me giddy and rooting for them. I'm now looking into reading all of Emily Henry's books. Reviews mentioned this is for fans of New Girl and I kinda see it. Miles being Nick Miller and Daphne could be a Jessica Day. It's cute and if you like cute rom-coms then this is for you too.

What was your favourite read in April?


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